The right equipment on Etna

The right equipment on Etna

Many people, including visitors who come from the Alps and often go hiking, underestimate Etna and the weather conditions. Even though Etna is very far south, it can be very cold. Also, the weather often changes very quickly because Etna is a single free-standing...
The chestnuts of Mount Etna

The chestnuts of Mount Etna

Auf der Ostseite des Ätnas (von Nordosten bis Südosten) gibt es – auf Grund des speziellen Klimas – große Vorkommen von Edelkastanien (Castanea sativa). Die Kastanien sind essbar, werden aber nicht kommerziell angebaut oder gesammelt, da sie Großteils im...
Experience Mount Etna live – a breathtaking natural spectacle!

Experience Mount Etna live – a breathtaking natural spectacle!

Seit dem 13.5.2022 ist der Südöstliche Krater wieder aktiv. Am Fuß des Kegels, auf seiner Nordseite, hat sich eine Spalte geöffnet. Ein Lavastrom ergießt sich seit dem ständig in das Valle del Bove, das riesige Tal auf der Ostseite des Ätna.Es handelt sich um eine...
Catania and the elephants

Catania and the elephants

At first glance, Sicily and Catania have nothing to do with elephants. Yet a red elephant is emblazoned on Catania’s coat of arms and in the heart of the city in Cathedral Square (in front of Sant’Agata Cathedral), a black elephant with an obelisk on its...
Where do the names of Etna’s craters come from?

Where do the names of Etna’s craters come from?

Mount Etna has not only 4 main craters, but also almost 300 lateral craters. Every hill we see in the vast Etna area is an extinct lateral crater. Lateral eruptions are so-called monogenetic eruptions, i.e. openings that are active only once and then are so firmly...
Etna Current – 13.5.2022

Etna Current – 13.5.2022

The south-eastern crater does not come to rest: the currently highest and most active main crater of Etna provides spectacular images again on the evening of 13.5.2022. This time the activity does not start with strombolian activity. A lava flow is descending on the...
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