Voragine eruption

Etna’s eruptive activity at the Voragine Crater continues to show signs of intensity and spectacularity. In mid-June 2024, several explosive phenomena were observed that generated emissions of ash and pyroclastic material. The small crater, located on the top of the volcano, has alternated Strombolian eruptions with frequent explosions that launch incandescent fragments and columns of ash that rise hundreds of meters into the sky. A unique spectacle for tourists who visit the Sicilian volcano in this period and decide to observe the maximum expression of Etna.

Etna Eruzione Voragine

The explosive activity, albeit at a considerable distance, is clearly visible from various locations around the volcano and this eruptive dynamic, which alternates short periods of quiet with more intense explosions, contributes to the formation of a small cinder cone and the dispersion of volcanic material on the top of the volcano.
Similar eruptive episodes in recent times can be found by going back to 2015 and 2020, with a dynamic in some ways very similar to the current one. We also remember that in 2015 the activity culminated with a powerful paroxysm at the Bocca Nuova Crater with lava fountains hundreds of meters high and the formation of lightning due to the tribo-electrical activity of the ejected pyroclastic material.

The position of this new small eruptive peak, on the internal edge of the Voragine Crater, allows you to admire the spectacular phases in complete safety; tourists who these days have the opportunity to admire this extraordinary spectacle of nature can consider themselves truly privileged to be able to live a once-in-a-lifetime experience!

Eruzione voragine

Etna, one of the most active volcanoes in the world, therefore continues to be carefully monitored by experts, who observe and record every change in eruptive activity to assess the potential risks for the surrounding communities and for civil and military aviation.
The Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV-OE Catania) is always present in the area and in the operations room to guarantee total control over the evolution of the Etna volcano.
Currently, with the activity confined within the summit craters, this eruption does not create any problems and, everyone’s hope, is that it can continue for a long time!

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